Beijing: During the initial outbreak of Covid-19, China discouraged the use of international vaccines Moderna and Pfizer instead promoted its domestic product Sincovac. Repeated explosive outbreaks of Covid in China along with tested and proven lack of effectiveness of its vaccines, has created a problem for its own citizens and people around the world, The Singapore Post, a news outlet with an online portfolio reported.
The Singapore Post reported, “Recent studies show that Chinese vaccines such as Sinovac have only been effective up to 61% against deaths and 55% against hospitalization, while Moderna and Pfizer fared much better at 90% protection from both.”
Moreover, when global manufacturers were concentrating on producing vaccines China was busy defaming and running propaganda against the effectiveness of mRNA vaccines as per The Singapore Post report.
Traditional vaccines implanted a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies, however, the mRNA vaccines, teach cells how to make a protein that triggers an immune response if someone gets infected, the report says. A study by Lancet indicated that Sincovac was producing weaker T-cell vaccines and was not able to provide protection against the deadly virus.
Research like this raised concerns in the general public resulting in mass rejection of China’s vaccines by the general public, and hence the Chinese authorities were not able to vaccinate its large population which finally led to an extreme Zero Covid policy.
Countries like Turkey which accepted China’s vaccines CoronaVac by Sincovac Biotech were not received well by their local population due to disbelief in Chinese research and the cases of data tampering that china had been involved in just to sell its vaccines internationally, according to The Singapore Post.
Indonesia in December 2020 had given statements that they had received 97 per cent efficacy in Chinese vaccines. Although they changed their statement in 2021 stating its efficacy was a mere 65 per cent. Similarly, Brazil’s declaration of the Chinese product’s efficacy was at 78 per cent but later changed to 50.4 per cent, The Singapore Post reported.
Thailand and Indonesia also revoked the Chinese vaccines that they were giving to the general public and replaced them with AstraZeneca. Although, for its healthcare workers, Moderna jabs were arranged as they were facing deaths even after being fully vaccinated by Sincovac’s vaccine. Malaysia also later announced that it will also replace its vaccines with Pfizer vaccines soon, as reported by The Singapore Post.
As per the report, all these attempts at data tampering ultimately were unable to hide the inability of Chinese vaccines to provide protection against the disease. But now that the vaccine has reached the international market it has become a problem across the boundaries of China which has resulted in the worsening of China’s already dented image globally, reported The Singapore Post.